I wanted to focus on providing users with the safety tools they need to ride public transportation while also encouraging users to use public transportation more often. 

Ux & Ui | Mobile app design | Interaction design
Step 01: Why A Redesign?
When redesigning the app I wanted to focus on how efficient and beneficial each page would be for the user. When we took a look at the home page we noticed that it didn't serve a purpose other than guiding users to the other pages on the app such as Cards, TripTools, and More. As a group, we felt that it did not benefit the user because the user can easily access these pages by clicking the navigation bar. On the other hand, the cards and triptools page was very important for users since they would be uploading funds to their virtual or physical card and they would need to navigate their journey while traveling. This then leads us to our question "How can we make these pages more useful for users?".
Step 02: User Flow
I wanted to create a safety feature that would allow users to feel more at ease when using public transportation. When designing I wanted to focus on having a flow that would grant the opportunity to contact authorities if needed but would also license users multiple tries to back out of calling authorities just in case they happen to set the alarm on accent or if a situation de-escalated itself. In our user flow from the trip tools tab, users can see the crowdedness of specific bus stops and use their app to get on their preferred transportation mode.
Step 03: Branding
Step 04: Mobile App Redesign!

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